Affiliate program for SaaS Marketers

Earn a 15% commission on the sales you make

Ticket Generator is the one-stop solution to sell, distribute, and validate personalized event tickets. With a global customer base spanning over 150 countries, it’s the go-to choice of top companies like Deloitte and Verizon.
A smartphone scanning an event ticket with a QR Code using the Ticket Validator app, showcasing a secure and fast check-in.

Why join our affiliate program?

Unlock your earning potential with our rewarding affiliate program
Earning Potential
Get a commission whenever your prospect converts
Competitive Commission
Earn a generous 15% commission for every sale you make through your referral link
Regular Payouts
Receive timely commissions on the first week of every month

Join Ticket Generator’s affiliate program

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How to get started?

Unlock your earning potential with our rewarding affiliate program
Register by filling out the affiliate form
Promote your affiliate link. Whenever someone clicks on it a cookie will get stored on their device for 60 days.
If a purchase happens within those 60 days, you will earn a 15% commission on that sale

Ready to get started?

Boost your earnings with Ticket Generator’s affiliate program

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