Generate secure tickets in your own event management system with Ticket Generator API

Generate POST calls to get QR Code and ticket ID

Make your existing tickets secure by adding a layer of QR Code security
Here is how it works:
Your existing event management system generates basic tickets
Integrate your system with Ticket Generator API
A unique QR Code and ticket code is added to each ticket during generation
Validate each ticket at event entry with the Ticket Validator mobile app

Generate POST calls to get complete ticket image with QR Code

Generate and get full ticket image with each API request
Here is how it works:
Your existing event management system only registers guests
Integrate your system with Ticket Generator API
Immediately after registration, a unique ticket (with variable information) will be generated and received via the API
Validate each ticket at event entry with the Ticket Validator mobile app
Ticket Image
Generate Event Tickets
Generate and send tickets to guests by email, SMS, and WhatsApp via API requests

Generate POST calls to send event tickets directly to guests

Here is how it works:
Your existing event management system only registers guests
Integrate your system with Ticket Generator API
Immediately after registration, a unique ticket (with variable information) will be generated and sent to the guest via email, SMS, or WhatsApp
Validate each ticket at event entry with the Ticket Validator mobile app

Ready to create event tickets via Ticket Generator API?

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