Make data-backed decisions with event attendance tracking

Keep a track of all tickets generated for your event

You can monitor the number of tickets generated based on:
Ticket generation method: Registrations, bulk generation, quick tickets, and API
Channels of ticket sharing: Tickets downloaded as PDF, or sent via email, SMS, and WhatsApp
Time period: Graphical data on tickets generated by date, week, and month
With Ticket Generator, see real-time status of tickets generated:
Total tickets generated
Active tickets
Expired tickets
Deactivated tickets

Track event registrations and approvals data to optimize conversion rates

On the event registrations analytics dashboard, you can see:
The total number of visits on the event registrations page by selected time period
The total number of registrations received by selected time period
Registration conversion rate: The ratio of registrations received to the total page visits
Registration approval rate: The ratio of registrations approved to the total registrations received
Approval decisions: Registrations received, approved, rejected, on hold, and cancelled

Check event attendance data to evaluate event performance

From your event attendance tracking dashboard, view:
Overall event attendance
Attendance by time period to know the busiest hours of an event
Total number of tickets validated by each coordinator
Number of re-entries allowed by coordinators
Number of valid, invalid, and duplicate entry attempts

Ready to audit the performance of your events?

First 10 tickets free
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No credit card required
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Still have a query or concern? Write to us and our support team will get in touch soon.

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