Download tickets for printing or directly send via SMS, email, and WhatsApp

Easily export event ticket copies as printable files

Sell event tickets in-person at the box office or via a sales team using printed copies
Export tickets as images (JPG/PNG format)
Download all the tickets in a zip folder
Each image file in the folder contains one ticket
Print multiple tickets per sheet at home or office in landscape or portrait orientation—up to 4 tickets per sheet

Save paper and printing costs by sending digital tickets to guests via email, SMS, and WhatsApp

Send via email
If you have set up event registration, tickets will be sent automatically via email if the guest provides their email address
If you have the email addresses of guests, you can send up to 1,000 tickets per batch via email. Simply upload a spreadsheet (CSV, XLS, XLSX) with ticket details or manually add in the dashboard editor.
You can customize the email content including sender's name, sender's email, subject, body
You can also save email templates for future events
Note: Adding event organizer contact details in emails is required to allow guests to reach out for support
Share via SMS and WhatsApp
If you have set up event registration, a ticket link will be sent automatically via SMS and WhatsApp if the guest provides their phone number (in international format with country code)
If you have phone numbers of guests (in international format with country code), you can send up to 1,000 tickets per batch via SMS and WhatsApp. Simply upload a spreadsheet (CSV, XLS, XLSX) with ticket details or manually add it in the dashboard editor.
You can customize the SMS content (up to 320 characters)
You can also save SMS templates for future events
Note: Event organizer contact details will be displayed on the ticket page linked in the SMS/WhatsApp message

Ready to send customized tickets to your guests?

First 10 tickets free
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No credit card required
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Email us

Still have a query or concern? Write to us and our support team will get in touch soon.

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Your name will only be used to personalize communication between you and Ticket Generator team
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