You are going to organize an event. This could be a conference, seminar, or festival. And you are looking to generate tickets for your event online.
One of your major concerns is to create secure event tickets. Now say you have designed tickets using online tools such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Or you want to design tickets from the scratch.
In either of the cases, you know that paper-based tickets can easily be duplicated. This allows unauthorized entries. And puts the concert's security at stake.
Plus, do you want to physically visit a printing service provider and print the bulk of tickets. This requires both time and effort.
Moreover, you know it is difficult to analyze your event performance by manually counting the tickets. Hence, you are looking for a tool, which helps you track and analyze your event easily while pushing your event sales.
In a nutshell, you are looking for an e-ticket generator, which helps you digitally generate secure tickets.
In this article, we will show you how to generate QR Code-based e-tickets, which are contactless, secure, and sustainable.
Keep reading.
A. Why choose e-ticketing
Traditional ticketing system requires a lot of money and paper consumption. You have to follow a whole cycle: select design, add details, and then print tickets.
On the other hand, a professional e-ticket generator makes the entire process seamless. It allows you to generate tickets online, hence, making the whole process hassle-free. Here's how:
a. Sustainable solution
Generating and mailing tickets to the recipients online saves a lot of paper consumption. Your guests can easily show the e-ticket (with relevant ID proofs) on their mobile phones and access event entry.
b. Design effortlessly
A professional e-ticket generator gives you an option to design your ticket easily. You can brand your ticket by adding a logo. You can also choose to add a solid background color or a relevant background image to your ticket.
c. No postage fees
With e-tickets, you can choose to directly email the tickets to the recipients. All you need to do is specify the email addresses and the number of tickets to be sent to each. This will not only make sending tickets easy and convenient but also save postage fees.
d. No issue of lost tickets
A professional e-ticket generator allows you to generate and send tickets online. These tickets will always remain intact with the buyer. Hence, the issue of stolen or lost tickets just eliminates.
e. Analyse easily
Manually counting the tickets to track event attendance is tedious. But with a professional e-ticket generator, you can easily get analytical data on how well your event performed. This will help you give useful insights to make better decisions for your next event.
Hence, by using an e-ticket generator, you can make the whole process of ticket generation much easier and convenient. You can feasibly generate and send thousands of tickets by just sitting on a couch with a cup of coffee.
Now, let's move on to show how to generate e-tickets.
B. How to generate e-tickets
To generate tickets online, you need a professional e-ticket generator tool. In this article, we will use Ticket Generator for demo purposes. In case you'd prefer a video-based tutorial, here's one:
Using this tool you can create, design, and send up to 1,000 tickets in a matter of a few minutes.
Plus, you can secure event entry by creating QR Code based tickets. That is, every ticket you generate has a QR Code on it. It is encoded with a unique ID. Upon scanning the QR Code, the event organizer/coordinator can know whether the ticket is genuine or not.
Besides, you can get event attendance and other insightful data on your event performance. That is, you can analyze your event efficiency based on various parameters.
And the best part is that these tickets are completely contactless. So, you don't need to worry about the health of the attendees and your employees.
Now, the next question is how to create QR Code based event tickets. For this, you just need a contactless event technology such as Ticket Generator.
Using Ticket Generator, here's how you can generate tickets:
a. Create tickets online
Go to Ticket Generator and create an account there. Note that you will get the first ten credits (1 credit=1 ticket) for free. In order to create more than ten tickets, you will have to purchase credits.
Now, click on Create New Event option. Add event-related information such as event name, date, description, venue, and time. Once you're done, click on Create.
After you do this, your event will be created. Once your event is created, click on the newly created event from the Manage Events tab. Look for the Guest Tickets section and click on it.
Then, click on the New Ticket(s) drop-down button and select the Bulk Tickets option to generate tickets in bulk or select Single Ticket if you wish to generate a single ticket. Use this option to bulk generate and distribute tickets in batches. You will have two different options for generating and distributing your tickets.
b. Design tickets
Now, once you create the event, the next step is to design your ticket. Here, you can choose from the following three options:
i. Upload own design
In this option, you can upload your own ticket design. Once done, you can place a QR Code and ticket ID wherever you want to make your ticket secure.
Furthermore, you can add unique/variable information blocks, if any, by clicking on the + sign. You can up to five blocks on each ticket.
Note that all these elements are movable and resizable.
The actual data of variable/unique information will be taken in subsequent steps.
ii. Edit Design
In this option, you can design your ticket from scratch. You will see a displayed ticket, which has the details you mentioned in the first step.
Here you can mention additional details such as event tagline, event description, or other useful information.
Furthermore, you can add a logo to brand your ticket. Besides, you can add a background color or a background image to your ticket.
Plus, as in the previous design option, you can add variable information by clicking on the + sign. But in this option, the blocks will be fixed and cannot be moved/resized.
For more information, refer to this detailed guide on how to design event tickets.
Once, you are done designing, you can see the Preview of your ticket.
iii. Select from templates
If you don't want to design the entire ticket but you still want to give it a fancy look, this option is right for you.
Simply click on Choose from templates option to access this feature.
Once clicked, you will see a number of pre designed templates to choose from.
To select a template click on Select Template button right below the chosen template and that's it, your ticket, with all the information, will turn into a designer ticket.
c. Send tickets
You can choose from the following four options:
- Generate form link
With this option, you can create a form to get registrations for your event, approve them, and automatically generate tickets for the registered attendees. You can customize the landing page by adding images, event description, specifying the form fields, and customizing the button text.
Here's a detailed guide on how this feature works.
- Generate and Download
By clicking on this option, you can download printable PDF formats of tickets. If you have to mention variable/unique information, you can simply upload the data file.
Once done, click on Generate.
- Generate and Send
In this section, you can choose from three options.
First, you can directly mail the tickets to recipients. Here, you can specify the email addresses of up to 1,000 recipients along with the number of tickets to be sent to each.
Second, you can send the tickets via an SMS to up to 1,ooo phone numbers.
Third, you can send the ticket to your guests by both email and SMS.
In all three options, you can do either upload a data file. Or you can type/paste information manually in the given grid.
Besides, if you want to add variable information such as ticket category, seat number, and hall number, then you need to add this data to the file you are uploading
For more information, you can refer to this detailed guide on variable information.
This way, you can send the bulk of tickets within a few minutes.
- Generate via API
In this option, you can integrate your event registration system with the Ticket Generator ticketing system. To know about it in detail, you can refer to this guide on Ticket Generator API.
C. Single tickets for contingencies
By clicking on this option, you can generate and distribute single tickets to the guests. It is useful in these two ways:
1. Having unplanned guests at the last moment
Say you have created tickets for your event and some people have just walked down on your event at the last minute. Now you need to create tickets for them.
You obviously don't want to create a whole batch of tickets for just them. Here's how you can do it in a seamless way:
1. Login to Ticket Generator
2. From the dashboard, click on the event for which you want to create these tickets.
3. Now, click on Guest Tickets tab.
4. Here, click on New Ticket(s) drop-down and select the Single Ticket option select the delivery method Download Ticket and Send Ticket as per your choice
5. Once selected, click Generate & Download (in case of Download Ticket) or click Generate & Send (in case of Send Ticket)
That's it. A new single ticket will be generated.
2. Resend tickets
Suppose you have sent tickets to your guests. But some of them didn't receive them. Don't worry. The Ticket Generator has got you covered. Here's how it can help you:
1. Login to Ticket Generator
2. From the dashboard, click on the event for which you want to resend the tickets.
3. Now, click on Guest Tickets tab.
4. Click on Resend Ticket.
5. Now, you'll have to specify your preferred mode of searching for the guest's ticket. You can use the ticket ID to do it. Alternatively, you can also use the guest's email address or phone number which you entered while creating the tickets.
6. Once you've entered these details, click Search. Now, you will see the ticket details.
7. Click on View and you'll be asked to specify the guest's email ID or phone number. After submitting these details, click Resend.
Now you know how to generate e-tickets. Let's move on to show how to validate tickets for secure entry.
D. How to validate tickets
You know that each ticket you create has a QR Code on it, which helps in validating tickets. But how does it work?
In order to authenticate tickets, you need to download the Ticket Validator app. You can download it from Google Play or App Store. Besides, you can go to the Ticket Validator app section of your dashboard and ask for the app link that will be sent to your email.
Here are the steps you need to follow to validate tickets using the app:
1. Once you download the app, you can login by using the username and password of your Ticket generator account
2. Next, select the event for which you want to validate tickets
3. The scanner will launch. Now, point the scanner in front of the QR Code on each ticket. Once the QR Code is detected, you will know whether the ticket is valid, invalid, or duplicate
Also note that even if the QR Code is worn out, you can still test the validity of the ticket. This can be done by entering the unique serial code, which is printed beneath the QR Code on each ticket.
E. How to analyze event performance
You can manage event attendance and track real-time analytics of your event. Here is how to do it:
a. Add coordinators
Say your event is being organized on a large scale. For this, you can add event coordinators to scan and authenticate tickets at different event entry points.
To do this, go to Ticket Generator Dashboard and click on Manage Events. You will see the details of your event. Here, at the end of the table, you will see three dots. On clicking, you will see the option for Add/Edit Coordinator.
Here, you need to specify the email address of event coordinators. They will receive an email invite and password, which they can use to log in to Ticket Validator mobile app.
b. Track attendance
You can get analytical data on how well your event performed. For this, go to the Manage Event section and on the extreme right, click on View Analytics.
Here, you can get data on the following parameters:
- Percentage of people who attended the event
- Number of tickets validated per coordinator
- Attendance on the different time periods (by hours, days) of the event
- Number of used, new, expired, and invalid tickets
- Number of duplicate and re-entry allowed tickets
With this data, you can analyze your event performance and make better decisions for your next event.
So, this is all you need to know about e-ticket generator. You can now create printable, customized, and secure event tickets effortlessly. And save the amount of time, effort, and cost in distributing your event tickets.