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Event Planning

Pros and Cons of Virtual Events: Is It Suitable for Your Business?

Yashika Tangri
November 21, 2023
min read
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The world has rapidly changed over the past few years, with more and more people shifting towards virtual events as an alternative to traditional in-person gatherings.

Virtual events have become increasingly popular as they provide a cost-effective way to reach thousands of people.

However, not everyone is convinced that virtual events are the right choice for their business or organization. In this article, we’ll explore some of the pros and cons of virtual events so that you can make an informed decision about whether they’re right for you.

Let's dive in.

A. What are Virtual Events?

Virtual events are online gatherings that allow you to connect with people from all over the world. The events are usually webinars or live broadcasts and can be one-on-one conversations or group discussions.

A virtual event can take place in real-time, meaning that participants can communicate via video and audio; however, it can also be recorded so that anyone who misses the live event can watch it at their convenience.

Examples of virtual events include webinars, live-streamed conferences, workshops, and networking sessions.

1. Pros of virtual events

Here are some of the benefits of virtual events:

i. Cost-effective

One of the most significant advantages of hosting a virtual event is its cost-effectiveness. Unlike in-person events, there is no need to invest in a physical venue, catering, travel, or accommodation expenses.

This substantial cost reduction leads to a higher return on investment (ROI) and makes virtual events more accessible to smaller businesses or organizations with limited budgets.

As a result, hosting virtual events can be a more financially sustainable option for many organizations.

ii. Wider reach

Another notable benefit of virtual events is their ability to break down geographical barriers and connect individuals worldwide. These events provide a more extensive and diverse audience, which can attract new demographics and expand your target market.

This increased reach often leads to higher engagement, more significant networking opportunities, and improved results for your business.

Think about it: If you're hosting a physical event, you'll need to figure out how to get people in the building. However, if you're hosting a virtual event, it doesn't matter where your audience is located—they can be anywhere in the world!

iii. Flexibility and convenience

Virtual events offer a high degree of flexibility and convenience for attendees, as they can access and participate in these events from the comfort of their own homes or offices.

This advantage significantly reduces the time and effort involved in attending an in-person event, such as traveling or taking time off work.

As a result, virtual events can attract higher attendance rates and make it easier for busy professionals to engage, ultimately leading to more successful events for both organizers and participants.

iv. Analytics and data

A key feature of many virtual event platforms is their built-in analytics tools, which can provide valuable insights into attendee behavior, preferences, and engagement.

This wealth of data can be used to make informed decisions about event planning, content, and marketing efforts, leading to more targeted and effective future events.

v. Reduced pressure on event day

Virtual events often lead to less pressure on the event day than in-person gatherings. Organizers can pre-record presentations, prepare materials in advance, and even conduct technical rehearsals to ensure a smooth event experience.

This reduction in on-the-day pressure allows organizers to focus on real-time attendee engagement and address any issues that may arise more efficiently.

vi. Enhanced sales opportunities

Virtual events create unique and enhanced sales opportunities for businesses and organizations, as they can reach a broader audience without geographical limitations. These events enable businesses to present their products or services to a global audience, potentially generating new leads and expanding their customer base.

Additionally, virtual events allow for targeted marketing strategies, leveraging attendees' data to create personalized offers and follow-up communications, increasing the potential for conversions.

vii. Evergreen content for lasting impact

Creating evergreen content from virtual events can benefit organizers and attendees long-term. A live event recording can be repurposed for multiple uses: marketing materials, educational resources, or on-demand access by future audiences.

You can convert that into a lead magnet by converting that into gated content, or you can just leverage it for email marketing.

This evergreen content can continue to generate leads, drive engagement, and reinforce your brand's message long after the event has ended, resulting in lasting impact and value.

2. Cons of virtual events

Though virtual events are a great way to reach more people, some downsides exist. Here are three drawbacks of virtual events:

i. Potential technological issues

One of the cons of hosting a virtual event is the reliance on technology, which can sometimes fail or experience glitches.

Unstable internet connections, software bugs, or hardware issues can lead to disruptions during an event, impacting the overall attendee experience.

Consequently, organizers may need to invest additional resources into tech support, troubleshooting, and contingency planning to mitigate potential technological challenges and ensure a smooth-running event.

ii. Limited opportunities for networking

While virtual events offer participants opportunities to interact and connect with others, this is often not as straightforward or as personal as networking in a face-to-face environment.

Although virtual chat rooms and breakout sessions can facilitate some interaction, building meaningful connections and engaging in in-depth discussions can be more challenging in a virtual space.

Consequently, attendees might find it more difficult to develop long-lasting professional relationships compared to traditional networking at in-person events. As such, event planners need to be more creative and intentional in designing opportunities for engagement and interaction in their virtual events.

iii. Lack of immersive experience

A common challenge of virtual events is their limited capacity to offer the immersive experiences often encountered at in-person events. Being physically present at an event can create a unique atmosphere that's not easily replicated in a virtual setting.

This absence of physical immersion can make capturing and holding attendees' attention difficult throughout the event.

This may result in low levels of engagement and satisfaction among participants, which would negatively impact the success of your event. Therefore, creating engaging and interactive content for virtual events is crucial to ensure that participants remain focused and interested.

B. Virtual event ideas to boost engagement

It may seem complicated to make everyone at a virtual event interested and engaged, but it is possible. Here are some tips to help you create an engaging experience for your attendees:

1. Engaging activities for audience involvement

Boost engagement levels with interactive workshops or panel discussions followed by question-and-answer sessions. These formats encourage active audience participation, promoting collaborative learning and enhanced understanding.

The more you can engage your attendees, the more likely they will take away something valuable from the event.

2. Utilize online breakout rooms

Utilize the functionality of online breakout rooms to facilitate smaller group discussions or offer more focused networking opportunities.

This feature allows attendees to connect, discuss, and share ideas in a more intimate setting, leading to more meaningful interactions. Though this can't be done at the live event, you can create an online community a day before the event and use the online breakout rooms to get attendees thinking, discussing, and sharing information.

This will help you create a more intimate experience when they arrive at the event and make it easier for them to connect with each other.

3. Encourage engagement through live chat features

Live chat features add an interactive element to virtual events, enabling real-time conversations among participants and organizers.

This immediate feedback and interaction can boost engagement, identify questions or issues promptly, and foster a sense of community among attendees.

You can give a 5-minute timeframe for attendees to ask questions, get answers, and discuss ideas. This will help you gather feedback about the event and make sure it's going smoothly.

C. Choosing the right virtual event platform

No virtual event checklist is complete without great ticketing software. Even if your event is free and you are not selling tickets, using event-management software to track attendee information will make managing registration data much easier.

The data you gather from audience engagement and behavior can be used to plan your next event and customize the online discussion for each attendee.

Here's what you have to consider before choosing the right virtual event platform:

1. Event registration forms

You want a platform that has robust form-building capabilities so that you can create the registration forms for your event. The best platforms will allow you to build multiple types of registration forms, including online and offline.

With Ticket Generator, you can choose from various registration form templates and easily customize them to suit your needs. Each template comes with pre-installed fields and functions, making it easy to build the registration form that works best for you.

2. Ticket generation

You want a platform that can generate tickets for your event. The best platforms will allow you to choose from multiple ticket types. Though a virtual event, you might want to provide various ticket types to cater to different attendee preferences, such as tickets for other sessions, time slots, or exclusive content.

Ensure that your chosen platform can generate digital or printable tickets and send them out automatically upon registration. Platforms like Ticket Generator can do this seamlessly, providing QR Code and barcode ticket options.

3. Rich data analytics

Strong data analytics capabilities are essential for a successful virtual event. Ensure the platform you choose offers this feature. Metrics such as number of attendees, attendee geographical location, session attendance, engagement levels, and attendee feedback are integral in assessing event success and planning future events.

Also, consider a platform that allows you to monitor analytics in real-time. This can help you address issues promptly and adjust your strategies as the event unfolds to better cater to your audience's desires and needs.

4. Reliable customer support

When hosting a virtual event, it's vital to have reliable customer support. Issues may arise during the preparation or execution of the event, from technical glitches to attendee inquiries. Ensure your chosen platform provides effective customer support that can step in and assist when needed.

Ticket Generator allows you to create physical and digital event tickets. You can also customize the look of each ticket type so that it matches your organization's or venue's branding.

Wrapping up

So, can virtual events be successful? It truly hinges on your methodology.

Virtual events can offer numerous advantages that far eclipse their downsides when executed skillfully.

However, if you're undecided about whether a virtual event suits your needs, don't fret. The opportunities for event marketers have never been better.

As we foresee the return of face-to-face events and the rise of hybrid events as the next noteworthy trend in event marketing, you have the opportunity to merge the strengths of virtual and traditional in-person strategies.

Whichever route you opt for, concentrate on delivering a memorable experience for your attendees and trust that the positive outcomes will surpass any possible setbacks.

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Yashika Tangri

Yashika Tangri is an amazing marketing manager who operates from Trycon Technology's Noida office. Her name signifies success and fame, and she has certainly lived up to these expectations.

At work, Yashika is a highly efficient digital marketing organizer and a source of inspiration to her colleagues with her positive demeanor and professional work ethics. Despite being a lifelong student of science, Yashika decided to pursue a career in marketing in 2018.

After work hours, Yashika enjoys creating new playlists on Spotify, and she is an avid reader who finds solace in escaping reality through the pages of mythology books.


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